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College View High School

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College View High School

The Guide to Dual Credit

The Guide to DUAL CREDIT at CVHS

College View High School currently offers 42 Core Academic DUAL CREDIT courses through Blinn College:                                                 

ARTS 1301 - Arts Appreciation                                    MATH 1324 – Math for Bus. and Social Sciences

SPCH 1315 – Public Speaking                                      MATH 1325 – Calculus for Bus. and Social  Sci.

ENGL 1301 – Composition I                                         BIOL 2401 – Anatomy & Physiology

ENGL 1302 – Composition II                                        PHYS 1403 – Stars and Galaxies

ENGL 2322 – Survey of British Literature I                GOVT 2305 – Federal Government          

HIST 1301 – United States History I                            GOVT 2306 – Texas Government                             

HIST 1302 – United States History II                           ECON 2301 – Principles of Macroeconomics                                                                                                                                        

Most classes will be held at CVHS.  Courses may be offered as Interactive Video Conferencing Classes (IVC), online, or direct teach.  The mode will depend on the class and how many students are enrolled.  Students enrolled in dual credit courses will be expected to spend several extra hours per week on each dual credit course. Science courses may require students to attend on the Blinn Campus in Bryan. 

Requirements:  Students must have a 2.0 or better GPA in completed coursework to take 2 dual credit courses per semester or a 3.0 GPA to take 3 dual credit courses per semester. 

What are the steps to taking Dual Credit at CVHS?

  1. See Ms. Rath if you are interested in taking Dual Credit.
  2. Apply to Blinn College Station ISD at You can not proceed with the process until this is submitted and your Blinn ID is received.
  3. Once the student receives their Blinn ID, they will fill out the Dual Credit Approval Form.
  4. Request a school transcript to be sent to Blinn.
  5. Satisfy Texas Success Initiative 2.0 (TSI) requirements.  This includes taking the Pre-Assessment   activity.
  6. Student and Parent both sign CVHS dual credit contract. 

What does DUAL CREDIT cost?

At this time, CVHS will pay tuition and textbook costs.  Current tuition costs are $318 per semester class. (This is a price break from regular Blinn tuition of $474 per course).  If a student fails a course (grade below 70), the student will be responsible for 100% reimbursement of the course to CVHS.  If a student drops a course prior to the end of the semester, the student will be responsible for the remaining difference of the balance of the refund to CVHS.  For example, if CVHS is refunded 75% of the course cost, the student would owe 25% reimbursement to CVHS. 


Parents:  Once a student takes a college course, parents do not have access to their child’s records unless a FERPA Release waiver is signed and on file with the college.

Students:  When you go to you will need to create an account.  This will need to be verified by email.  Then you will edit/create your profile.  Once the profile is created, then you will start a “new application”.  You application to Blinn has not been submitted until you get the confetti falling down the page.  

Once your Blinn application is submitted, you will need to check your email within 48 hours for your MyBlinn account.  You may need to check your Spam or Junk mail folder if you do not find it in your incoming mail folder.  You will then need to activate your MyBlinn account and set your password.  Then you will need to submit a photo for your Blinn student ID via the Blinn ID link you are given. 

TSIA 2 – Texas Success Initiative Assessment

Each student applying for Dual Credit must prove they are college ready by either having required scores on the ACT/SAT/PSAT or the TSIA 2.0.  Students may use the STAAR EOC English II and Algebra I scores for dual credit. 

Students taking  ENGL, SPCH, ARTS, HIST, GOVT, or ECON will need to prove college readiness on the ELAR test, including the WritePlacer essay.  Students taking any MATH course must prove college readiness on the Math test. 

If a student does not qualify for dual credit on their SAT/ACT/PSAT/EOC scores, then they are required to take the TSIA 2.0.  College View HS is a TSI test center.  There is no cost for CVHS students to take the test on our campus.   However, you may also take the test at the Blinn Campus, but there will be a $45 cost.  You would need to contact Blinn College for test dates.

Before a student can take the TSIA 2, they must take the Pre-Assessment Activity and print the certificate of completion.  The Pre-Assessment Activity link is

You must either email a copy of the certificate to or print out a hard copy of the certificate and give to Ms. Rath.  This must be done at least one day prior to testing day. 

Testing Dates: As needed